:::Saturday, September 25, 2004:::
Hi...the Zach Files...my blog very name... Todae...I would like to celebrate my blog one month anniversary...I had created The Zach Files exactly a month ago from todae... This blog is cool! and it Rawks!!! Its One Month Old now... i had a total of 7 entries including this... Whow...7 in a month...not bad... Todae...I went to orchard marriot there... in the afternoon...cos got free buffet...haha...wha lao...eat until veri the full...how like that...hope won't gain weight...LOLX....nah....in fact...i had lose quite a number of weight in term 3! Zach...two thumbs up to u!!! haha.... yea... I knew how i got this size...its cos of this stupid leptin!!! a stupid thingy in the body that Jacky has plentiful of it!!! Jacky... give me some!!! Haha...too bad...its impossible... only my body could produce it...dear body...pls...pls produce it!!!! I dont wanna have this size forever!!! u had closed my doors of opportunities of mine ever since i had u!!! U noe wat i mean huh... Oh no... heard that she dont mind of that...nvr mind.... LOLX...see ya!!! Happy one month old to my blog.... Happy one month old to u!!

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:::Wednesday, September 22, 2004:::
Yoz... todae veri sianz... got caught eating sweet that makes my mouth green!!! cool rite! Then the assembly ah...got powerpoint presentations by the npcc,guides, chinese orchestra, and my very own cca, red cross and badminton! Most are quite boring... but its well done! After that, went to katong s.c. and makan with chi xian then went for my boring chinese tution... then went to parkway.... after that come home and blog lor.... oh ya... attention to everyone.... u should noe now that i had another name called Zachary....i think that u all should call me using this name... i think it is better then my chinese name... but its fine if u are sticking to Wei Ren... Ya...i noe tyhere's zack, zacky, zacko and other short form.... Anyway... Zachary is not in my birth cert... so its not my official name...but... i was called zack by my family sine i was a baby!!! so it doesn't matter if its in my birth cert... Yap... that should be it.... See Ya...

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:::Tuesday, September 21, 2004:::
Tuesday.... well well...still the same normal tuesdae... jus that got punished twice!!! and my 1st time being sent outside the corridor by my teacher(except Ms Kaur)!!!sooo angry... well well...its over...no use thinking of it rite now... yea...jus finish adding music to my blog... yap... its the harry potter theme song!!!my fav movie song!!! It may seems to be a christmas song...i felt the feeling of christmas and warmness and felt good whenever i listen to this song....Hmmm....this song is great!!! Ai yooo...exams jus less then 20 daes from now...Still can't feel the EXAM PRESSURE yet!!!! Mum... or anyone....maybe u could start nagging at me now... i miss it!!! LOLLLLLL!!!!!!

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:::Sunday, September 19, 2004:::
whoo hoo.... Todae is one of the best dae of the week!!! Its the first time i played tennis! Whao... its a nice game...U noe wat? I could only excel in racquet sports and i sux at ball games...Haiz.... Jus now ah... nearly surf the tennis ball out to the road there... so scary... Its Sin Chyuan birthdae todae...he got a party... he good lor... got ppl bake cake for him... Whao lao... talk bout birthdae... i jus knew a few daes ago that i couldn't send my birthdae with my frends or family... cos need to go for a conference from 8 to 5 at 22 oct!!! Ai yo...no need to celebrate la... 14 yrs old is a rite time to celebrate birthdae...cos it means i'm a teenager!!! never mind la... 15 also not bad... its not too late to celebrate next year... hey... celebrate this year on 23 oct also not bad...cos saturdae... but then birthdae over... quite meaningless to celebrate... I had never had a party for my birthdae before!!! I thought of having it in downtown east chalet. oh...watever...i should concentrate on my studies instead of thinking of my birthdae party... Exams round the corner!!! No hope of going the triple science class... and i don't think i could cope if i got to entered the class... Top 40 leh... i not so clever leh... how to compete huh??? Then second class go literature instead of geography... wha lao... then go this class also will die!!! Haiz... like this ah... I jus try my best la... let fate decide where i go to and may it take responsible to it!!! don't make me suffer!!!

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:::Wednesday, September 08, 2004:::
Todae.... quite good.... go for tution at katong s.c...... then after that go parkway. then saw leslie, ade and desmond, then go walk walk with them, after that go off.... Ai ya... today not much lar...
lets talk bout the Sec.2 camp. the camp is quite fun, but most dont agree, sae too tough. got meh? not really lah, u should expect P.T. and all those tiring job from such camp. Its a dicipline camp, not leisure camp. The camp is at my sch, Broadrick Sec., Its a 3 dae 2 night thing. 3-5 sep... First dae, saw my junior instructors, oac members. The camp commander is Mr Fong, and the chief is a big guy called sultan, we call him chief. I'm in purple team... Everyone were force to put on their new soveneir given during the camp, a cap... everyone wore it throughout the camp... Then later we go dragon boat. It rawkz man... better than canoeing, nxt time wanna do it again. Then ah witness my frend jpl fall into the water while trying to go up to land than go her leg injured cos did not wear shoe. then was force to go home... so poor thing... then later we walk back to sch... When reach sch that time... we go see our bunk... then go bath...must wear a long queque then my turn. then go have dinner... chicken rice i think... then go for a briefing then lights off... Dae 2, wake up at 6.15, not too bad, i woke up at 6 every morning. then do P.T., do stretching first then go run at the canal... after that breadfast.... then we had something call the confidence test, we do obstacles which i failed to overcome most of it and then we had a suicide jump... jumping at bout 1 and 1/2 storey high... wha, when go down that time damn shiok man... should try it again nxt time... After that, lunch.... then suppose to go for a hike... but than ah...got the first aid competition... then miss the hike lorh... then arh, got 5th/6th in the competition, not qualify for the finals...sighz... then when reach sch that time the rest havent come back, so can bath first... haha... then we eat dinner... after that go bunker and sleep... lights out at 9... so early... then kena waken up at 1 plus to do night duty. I got to patrol the whole sch with my partner, then we burrowed a scary mask go scare people, luckily never kena caught... then go back sleep at 3... got 3 more hrs to sleep... Next dae, wake up at 6.20, do P.T., then breadfast, then clear the bunk, then we play some games which my team won... than play rugby which was fun and that my team got 2nd... then after that we get back valuables... i did not surrender my hp then also kena check bag but they also cant find it... haha... the Mr Fong still say can sense it... haha... then arh the red team kena do duty everyday... poor thing... haha... But i agree that the camp is fun!!! I gonna miss it!!!

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Known AsZachary Ong
Has Been Lost Forthe Abyss
I Seethe World as a grain of Sand and Heaven as a Wild Flower
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I DespiseMyself
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I WishMany things

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